Writers on the Coast is a democratically run, community-based writing group with a space generously offered free of charge by Noosa Library. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 9.15am – 11.45am in the Wallum Room at the Noosa Library.
These sessions do not necessarily follow a strict format but can include timed exercises, quiet writing, sharing ideas and feedback. All welcome.
Please click on the link below for a full calendar of Writers On The Coast scheduled meetings.
Kerri Deacon has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Southern Queensland and a Trinity College Certificate in ESL. She has been sharing the joys and frustrations of the English language with foreign students for over 20 years. As a one-time owner of Mary Ryan’s Bookstore Hastings Street she brings experience in organising and hosting literary events. Kerri is passionate about reading and uncovering new stories in the Noosa community and believes everyone has a unique voice to share. She has explored a variety of different roles in retail, childcare, accounts and administration and even a stint as a Karaoke host and wedding singer. She is a devoted book club enthusiast, scribbler, wife and mother of two.